The Bond of Sisters

“Of course,” I reply, a tender warmth
blossoming in my chest. “That’s what
sisters are for.”

A Short Synopsis

The Bond of Sisters is a story about two sisters, who in the beginning had a very broken relationship but learn to appreciate and understand each other at the end. The main character, Naomi, is the younger sister of the duo and has suffered an inferiority complex against her bigger sister. The story shows her growing resentment that she has been holding in for years that finally explodes after a certain event. The sisters rekindle after a serious incident and have the chance to finally appreciate one another at the end.

My Love for Books

Growing up, I enjoyed reading all the time. Whether the book was about fiction, mystery, fantasy, short stories, or novels, I loved it all. Even now, I enjoy a good book every now and then but of course, I don’t have the same time to leisurely read often. I think reading has definitely helped me write short stories. Although when I wrote The Bond of Sisters, I personally don’t have a sister but you don’t always have to relate the stories back to you. I love that about reading and writing, the creative freedom of being able to choose what path you want to take.

How My Short Story Came to Be

I submitted a short story I wrote for Eng 273 to Kapiolani Community College’s Le’ahi: Creative Arts Journal. I was ecstatic to be chosen as one of authors in their journal. Before this journey, I have never imagined I would be chosen since I never had any other stories published or even attempted to. As I wrote this story, I never had the intention to release it publicly but after it got published, I was very greatful for the experience. It really taught me, things will never happen until you make the first move. With that mindset, I hope to continue moving forward and not being afraid of what comes next.

You can find my short story on page 48!

Source: Spring 2018 Le’ahi Creative Arts Journal