Michelle Back


I am studying for a B.S. in Computer Science in the Department of Information and Computer Sciences at the University of Hawaii. I expect to graduate in Fall, 2025.

Interests: Software Engineering, UI/UX Design, Reading


StudyLink 2024

Do you need a study buddy? Welcome to StudyLink!

Web Application IntelliJ Collaborative Bootstrap Meteor

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Fishing Tournament 2022

A Hawaiian fishing tournament game my group developed for ICS 211.

Java GitHub

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The Bond of Sisters 2018

A short story I wrote that was published in 2018 Le'ahi Creative Arts Journal.

Writing Journal Published

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Unlocking Software Engineering

08 May 2024

What Software Enginnering Means to Me This software engineering course has been a pleasant surprise for me. Coming in with a keen interest but unsure of what to expect, I’ve been positively surprised by the different specs of the material...

ICS 314 UI Design Patterns

Humans vs. AI?

05 May 2024

I. Introduction In this day and age, most people have heard about AI. Artificial Intelligence is a technology that enables machines to perform tasks commonly associated with intelligent beings, such as humans. In education, most students in modern times know...

Artifical Intelligence(AI) ChatGPT ICS 314

Recipe for Success: Design Patterns in the Kitchen

25 Apr 2024

My First Year Coding As I started on my coding journey, I was filled with excitement and curiosity, ready to explore all the different possibilities of programming. However, like most beginners, we make mistakes and are hesitant with each step...

Design Patterns Programming React

Responsive Design made Simple!

19 Feb 2024

UI Framework A UI framework is a collection of pre-built components, libraries, and design elements. These pre-built components and libraries are reusable in creating user interfaces and offer ready-to-use elements, such as buttons, icons, menus, and much more. People don’t...

UI Framework Bootstrap 5

Finding Inner Peace through Code Standards

07 Feb 2024

Coding Standards Coding standards are a set of guidelines that are used to create consistent, high-quality code. They help programmers develop cleaner, more readable, and efficient code. It is important to follow coding standards because it offers a uniform format...

Coding Standards ESLint IntelliJ

Afraid to Ask the Right Question

23 Jan 2024

There’s no such thing as a stupid question. How many times have you heard that line before? Growing up, I’ve always been encouraged to ask questions. That there is no such thing as a stupid question so you should not...

Questions Stack Overflow